School Notices 05/01/25

Dear Parent,

I hope you are all well and had a pleasant Christmas break.

As we prepare to reopen tomorrow I have some items which I would like to bring to your attention.

Weather Conditions

As GCS is not currently in an area experiencing severe weather conditions the school will reopen tomorrow as normal. The heat in the school was switched on for a period of time today and will be on from early in the morning to ensure that staff and students have comfortable conditions in which to learn.

The grounds have been gritted in preparation for the freezing conditions forecast for the morning but all users are encouraged to exercise care when accessing the school building.


I am aware that many of our students will be travelling from areas adversely affected by the weather and delays in such circumstances are understandable. The priority is safety.

Reminders of upcoming events

The 2nd year Parent teacher Meeting is an In Person event and will take place this coming Thursday, January 9th, from 3.15 to 5.45 in the Gym. Classes will end 15 minutes earlier.

The 5th Year Subject Choice/LCA Information Session will take place on Wednesday January 15th at 6.30 in The Oratory. This is for the parents of students who will be going into 5th year in September.

School Uniform

As you are aware, GCS sets high standards in relation to school uniform and I appreciate the support of parents with this. The students may need to wear additional layers inside their uniforms this week (not hoodies) and this is understandable. Please ensure that the school skirt is worn at an acceptable length (to the knee) and that the school jacket is used.

As always, that you for your continued support and best wishes for 2025.

Kind Regards


Michael Finn


Gorey Community School

Jan 24
Staff Training
Jan 27
1st Year Parent Teacher Meeting
Feb 27
Staff Training
Mar 04
TY Parent Teacher Meeting
Esmonde St, Gorey, Co. Wexford, Y25 W535
053 942 1000
© 2025 Gorey Community School